Addtime: 2023.05.13

Quality assurance of switchgear

1. Quality objectives.

Quality objective: To comply with national acceptance standards and high-quality product standards.

2. Quality management measures.

(1) Establish a sound product quality assurance system. The project manager is the first person in charge of product quality, fully responsible for product quality, regularly inspecting and supervising the normal and effective operation of the quality system. The company office director reviewed the operation of the project quality assurance system. The full-time quality and safety engineer is responsible for the daily supervision of the quality assurance system. Check. assessment. And apply for rewards and punishments to the project manager.

(2) Implement this standard in product quality management. Through practical operation, it has been proven that the company's quality assurance system has played a good role in engineering quality management, effectively ensuring product quality and improving quality management level. A series of procedural documents related to the substation project in the company's quality assurance system will still be implemented in the quality management and quality assurance system of this project.

(3) Fully leverage the role of TQC (Comprehensive Quality Management).

Based on the characteristics of this project, actively carry out comprehensive quality management for project construction, establish a TQC organization, and cooperate with Party A's comprehensive quality management. Control points should be established for the key processes of the product, and a TQC team should be established to ensure the excellence of project quality.

(4) Layer by layer design and construction technical disclosure.

All employees must clarify the main points and characteristics of the product in order to work together and ensure the construction quality of the product.

(5) Regularly hold quality meetings to ensure quality meets standards.

(6) Before production, the technical department should prepare practical and feasible "Production Operation Instructions" and "Quality Management Implementation Rules" based on design requirements and the characteristics of the construction site, and conduct technical briefings for each production team to let everyone know.

(7) All measuring instruments and instruments must be tested and qualified by a metrological institution and used within their effective time. Overtime or no inspection is strictly prohibited.

3. Quality assurance measures.

According to the operation mode of the product quality assurance system, all construction should be implemented with construction quality in advance. Control three times during and after the incident. Ensure product quality is controlled from start to finish.

(1) Quality control of the preparation process before product production.

① Based on the actual situation, prepare production organization designs and individual construction plans, work instructions, and quality inspection plans.

② Develop a project quality assurance plan, clarify quality responsibilities, determine project excellence plans, and develop corresponding quality systems.

③ Before production, a drawing review must be conducted to identify areas where the drawing content is ambiguous or inconvenient for production, and to propose improvement suggestions.

④ Evaluate and audit suppliers and establish a qualified supplier list. Materials must have factory certification materials. Raw material inspection is accepted by material personnel and testing personnel. Material personnel are responsible for inspecting the appearance and physical properties of the materials, while testing personnel are responsible for inspecting the chemical properties of the materials. Only after passing the inspection can they be retained.

⑤ After the materials enter the site, they should be marked, indicating the variety, specification, quantity, and entry date. The raw materials entering the site should be classified and stacked, and special materials should be kept by a dedicated person.

⑥ Reasonably equip production machinery and carry out maintenance work to ensure that the machinery is always in good working condition.

⑦ Adopting the quality pre control method to transform quality management from post inspection to pre control, achieving the goal of prevention first.

(2) Quality control during the production process.

Strictly follow the requirements of drawings and technical specifications for production, operate in accordance with the company's quality system documents, and strictly control the process quality of engineering products during the production process.

Do a good job in product protection. The operator of the next process is the product protection personnel of the previous process, and subsequent processes shall not use any excuse to damage the products of the previous process.

Quality inspectors conduct quality inspections and verifications of products in accordance with national standards.

(3) Quality control after production completion.

① Timely analyze the causes of product quality issues or quality non conformities, and take necessary measures to correct them.

② Based on the analysis of the reasons for unqualified quality, reflect on the crux and plan of the problem, and provide reference for quality prevention of similar problems in the future.

③ Control of non-conforming products.

A. Identify non-conforming products.

According to the provisions of the ISO9001-2008 program document.

b. Management and control of non-conforming products.

Nonconforming equipment and materials shall be isolated and stored in designated areas.

Uninstalled non-conforming products (or semi-finished products) shall be stacked separately in designated areas.

Unqualified products (or non-conforming products) that occur during the production process shall be clearly identified and construction shall continue. Review of non-conforming products or non-conforming products, including:


The degree of impact on product quality (including appearance, reliability, safety) and consequences.

The impact and consequences on the next process.

And conduct feasibility analysis and evaluation on it.

c. Handling methods for non-conforming products.

Maintain and meet specified requirements; Scrapping; Products repaired or reworked shall be re inspected according to the quality inspection plan or procedure.

④ Corrective and control preventive measures.

Implement the principle of putting prevention first, effectively take corrective and preventive measures, timely solve quality related problems, and continuously improve engineering quality.

A. Corrective measures.

Investigate and analyze the opinions of Party A (or its representative), and develop corrective measures.

Strictly follow the requirements of the ISO9001-2008 program document "Implementation Procedure for Corrective and Preventive Measures" to correct and monitor.

b. Preventive measures.

By investigating and analyzing the processes and operations that affect product quality. Quality records. Investigate and analyze various reports and opinions of Party A (or its representatives), identify potential causes of product quality issues, and propose preventive measures.

Hongdun Electrical

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